GRE Quantitative Reasoning

GRE Quantitative Reasoning Mock Test Paper 2025 | Practice Free Online

GRE Mock Test 200: Practice free online GRE Quantitative Reasoning exam questions and answers and detailed solutions.

GRE Test

The Graduate Record Examination (GRE) is a standard test for graduates wishing to apply for graduate schools in the United States. The test is designed to measure general academic abilities regardless of the candidate's area of expertise. Here, the focus is primarily on the verbal and quantitative abilities of abstract thinking, which ideally should have developed in undergraduate studies. In the general GRE test, there are three sections: Verbal Reasoning, Quantitative Reasoning and Analytical Writing, each of which is designed to test different skills. 

  1. Verbal Reasoning: Here, the candidate should prove his verbal skills. Accordingly, the questions typically consist of exercises on analogies and antonyms as well as reading comprehension questions. Primarily, the candidate's vocabulary is tested here.
  2. Quantitative Reasoning: In the quantitative part, Math and comparison questions at the high school level have to be solved, including appropriate knowledge in algebra and geometry.
  3. Analytical Writing: Test takers must write two short essays.

In addition to these three graded parts, there may also be a "research" part, which is for research purposes only of the test organizer ETS and therefore not graded.

GRE Quantitative Reasoning Preparation Tips

The quantitative section of GRE corresponds in complexity to the high school curriculum and is based primarily on data interpretation. It includes 40 questions, allowing to evaluate the candidate's ability to analyze numerical data and use various Mathematical models. In order to successfully complete all the questions in this section, one must learn not only to solve various problems of arithmetic, geometry or algebra but also to analyze numerical information.

If you have received technical education, this section should not present much difficulties for you. However, if you are not a "techie", you will have to get textbooks and remember the school program of algebra, geometry, advanced Mathematics, the theory of probability, factorials, logarithms, f(x), fractional degrees, relations, how to draw a graph using an equation, and even arithmetic. You need to know all this very well if you are counting on a result above 150 points. The questions in this section require solving MCQs (multiple choice questions). Some questions will need to compare certain values. 

When preparing for the quantitative section, focus on the features of the questions in the GRE exam. The questions of the Mathematical part are not very difficult. But, if you are preparing for GRE, it is advised to refresh the following in your memory - all sorts of formulas for various figures: area, volume, calculation of the diagonal through the sides, calculation of the sides through the diagonal, surface area, height of the cone, radius of the ball, etc.

The problems of statistics and probability theory are of particular difficulty, therefore it is important to pay special attention to them in preparation. In addition, the preparation for the GRE should provide skills for solving various questions. And this can be achieved through the regular practice of mock tests. 


You don't need to learn particularly complex formulas and concepts that go beyond the school course. Moreover, since in many questions prompts are already laid, you only need to choose the correct answer, and not solve the problem from scratch. There is no need to consider it in your mind either: there is a built-in calculator in a computer test, and if you write a test on paper, you should be given a calculator. During the exam in this section, you can use the calculator.

The main advice - do not neglect the official site of the exam where you get interesting articles, video courses (available by subscription).

In order to prepare more effectively for the GRE test, special preparation is needed for each of its sections. To do this, you need to know exactly what questions take much time, what “pitfalls” threaten you, and how to maximize your points. 

And most importantly - learn the terminology. This applies to everyone who gives GRE. It will be a shame to fail miserably in the Mathematical part just because you didn’t know what “prime number” means, do you?