
Pratice Antonyms Questions and answers.



Antonym: Meaning

What is Antonym?

Antonym is a word opposite in meaning to another, for example:

Some Basic Examples of Antonyms
Bad Good
Male Female
Wet Dry
Boy Girl
Healthy Unhealthy

Antonym: Origin

The word "Antonym" comes from the Greek words - anti and onym.

Types of Antonyms

What are the different kinds of antonyms?

There are three kinds of antonyms:

  1. Complementary Antonyms
  2. Relational Antonyms
  3. Graded Antonyms

Complementary Antonyms

This kind of antonyms have no middle ground. See examples below:

Complementary Antonyms Examples
Loose Tight
Day Night
Eat Starve
Awake Asleep
Dead Alive

Relational Antonyms

In this kind of antonyms, a converse relationship exists between the words. See examples below:

Complementary Antonyms Examples
Teacher Student
Seller Buyer
Brother Sister
Left Right
Ahead Behind

Graded Antonyms

This kind of antonyms deal with levels of comparison. See examples below:

Complementary Antonyms Examples
Hot Cold
Fast Slow
Easy Hard
Tall Short
Far Near

Importance of learning Antonyms

How important is it to learn Antonyms for the preparation of various government examinations?
In the English section of most of the competitive exams like SSC (CGL/CHSL/MT), Bank (IBPS/SBI/RRB/RBI), Railway (NTPC/ASM/TTE/JE), Defence (NDA/CDS/AFCAT) and so on, Antonyms is one of the most important and common topics.
How many Antonyms questions are asked in the exam?
In most of the recruitment exams, 3 to 4 questions are based on Antonyms.