History Exam

History Mock Test 2025: MCQ Quiz Questions

Practice free online History sample mock test series: Download History solved model exam PDF papers with previous years' questions and answers.

What is History Exam 2025?

History examination is a formal educational assessment done in the form of a written test, where candidates can showcase their knowledge and proficiency in History.

This exam is intended to evaluate the understanding of the skills of a person in the subject of History (Humanities and social science).

This exam also provides feedback that History students can then use to analyse their performances in order to evaluate their weaknesses and strengths.

History Exam 2025 Details

Academic FieldHumanities and social science
Name of the Model ExamHistory Mock Test Paper 2025
Type of QuestionsObjective-type Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
Total Tests50+ History Practice Papers
Total Questions1000+ History Quiz Questions
Exam ModeOnline Computer-based Test (CBT)

History MCQ Practice Tests based on Syllabus & Exam Pattern

Online History Exam Practice Papers

Topics Questions Type
Human historyMCQ
modern study of historyMCQ
academic study of historyMCQ
History and prehistoryMCQ
The word historyMCQ
writing of historyMCQ
natural historyMCQ
human historyMCQ
the substantive historyMCQ
The Historians' HistoryMCQ
The modern discipline of historyMCQ
global historyMCQ
Big HistoryMCQ
the study of prehistoryMCQ
the scope of historyMCQ
Works of medieval historyMCQ
philosophy of historyMCQ
systematic bias in historyMCQ
scientific theory of historyMCQ
Trigger historyMCQ
Marxian theory of historyMCQ
digital historyMCQ
quantitative historyMCQ
cultural historyMCQ
social historyMCQ
Alltagsgeschichte (HistoryMCQ
Marxist interpretation of historyMCQ
environmental historyMCQ
Comparative historyMCQ
Contemporary historyMCQ
Counterfactual historyMCQ
Cultural historyMCQ
Digital historyMCQ
Economic historyMCQ
Intellectual historyMCQ
Maritime historyMCQ
Material historyMCQ
Modern historyMCQ
Military historyMCQ
Naval historyMCQ
Oral historyMCQ
People's historyMCQ
Political historyMCQ
mainstream historyMCQ
collective historyMCQ
collective historyMCQ
Church HistoryMCQ
political historyMCQ
Black historyMCQ
Demographic historyMCQ
Ethnic historyMCQ
Gender historyMCQ
History of childhoodMCQ
History of educationMCQ
History of the familyMCQ
Labor historyMCQ
LGBT historyMCQ
Rural historyMCQ
Urban historyMCQ
American urban historyMCQ
Women's historyMCQ
Cultural history replaced social historyMCQ
Anthropology and historyMCQ
Diplomatic historyMCQ
Business historyMCQ
Universal historyMCQ
Early American HistoryMCQ
The Limits of HistoryMCQ
The Nature of HistoryMCQ
The Pursuit of HistoryMCQ
The Relations of HistoryMCQ
The Methods and Skills of HistoryMCQ
Professionalization of HistoryMCQ
Ancient HistoryMCQ
Medieval HistoryMCQ
Modern HistoryMCQ
World HistoryMCQ
Ancient historyMCQ
Atlantic historyMCQ
Art historyMCQ
Comparative historyMCQ
Contemporary historyMCQ
Counterfactual historyMCQ
Cultural historyMCQ
Digital historyMCQ
Economic historyMCQ
Intellectual historyMCQ
Maritime historyMCQ
Material historyMCQ
Modern historyMCQ
Military historyMCQ
Oral historyMCQ
People's historyMCQ
Political historyMCQ
Social historyMCQ
Women's historyMCQ
Afghanistan HistoryMCQ
Albania HistoryMCQ
Algeria HistoryMCQ
Andorra HistoryMCQ
Angola HistoryMCQ
Antigua and Barbuda HistoryMCQ
Argentina HistoryMCQ
Armenia HistoryMCQ
Australia HistoryMCQ
Austria HistoryMCQ
Azerbaijan HistoryMCQ
Bahamas HistoryMCQ
Bahrain HistoryMCQ
Bangladesh HistoryMCQ
Barbados HistoryMCQ
Belarus HistoryMCQ
Belgium HistoryMCQ
Belize HistoryMCQ
Benin HistoryMCQ
Bhutan HistoryMCQ
Bolivia HistoryMCQ
Bosnia and Herzegovina HistoryMCQ
Botswana HistoryMCQ
Brazil HistoryMCQ
Brunei HistoryMCQ
Bulgaria HistoryMCQ
Burkina Faso HistoryMCQ
Burundi HistoryMCQ
Côte d'Ivoire HistoryMCQ
Cabo Verde HistoryMCQ
Cambodia HistoryMCQ
Cameroon HistoryMCQ
Canada HistoryMCQ
Central African Republic HistoryMCQ
Chad HistoryMCQ
Chile HistoryMCQ
China HistoryMCQ
Colombia HistoryMCQ
Comoros HistoryMCQ
Congo (Congo-Brazzaville) HistoryMCQ
Costa Rica HistoryMCQ
Croatia HistoryMCQ
Cuba HistoryMCQ
Cyprus HistoryMCQ
Czechia (Czech Republic) HistoryMCQ
Democratic Republic of the Congo HistoryMCQ
Denmark HistoryMCQ
Djibouti HistoryMCQ
Dominica HistoryMCQ
Dominican Republic HistoryMCQ
Ecuador HistoryMCQ
Egypt HistoryMCQ
El Salvador HistoryMCQ
Equatorial Guinea HistoryMCQ
Eritrea HistoryMCQ
Estonia HistoryMCQ
Eswatini (fmr. "Swaziland") HistoryMCQ
Ethiopia HistoryMCQ
Fiji HistoryMCQ
Finland HistoryMCQ
France HistoryMCQ
Gabon HistoryMCQ
Gambia HistoryMCQ
Georgia HistoryMCQ
Germany HistoryMCQ
Ghana HistoryMCQ
Greece HistoryMCQ
Grenada HistoryMCQ
Guatemala HistoryMCQ
Guinea HistoryMCQ
Guinea-Bissau HistoryMCQ
Guyana HistoryMCQ
Haiti HistoryMCQ
Honduras HistoryMCQ
Hungary HistoryMCQ
Iceland HistoryMCQ
Indonesia HistoryMCQ
Iran HistoryMCQ
Iraq HistoryMCQ
Ireland HistoryMCQ
Israel HistoryMCQ
Italy HistoryMCQ
Jamaica HistoryMCQ
Japan HistoryMCQ
Jordan HistoryMCQ
Kazakhstan HistoryMCQ
Kenya HistoryMCQ
Kiribati HistoryMCQ
Kuwait HistoryMCQ
Kyrgyzstan HistoryMCQ
Laos HistoryMCQ
Latvia HistoryMCQ
Lebanon HistoryMCQ
Lesotho HistoryMCQ
Liberia HistoryMCQ
Libya HistoryMCQ
Liechtenstein HistoryMCQ
Lithuania HistoryMCQ
Luxembourg HistoryMCQ
Madagascar HistoryMCQ
Malawi HistoryMCQ
Malaysia HistoryMCQ
Maldives HistoryMCQ
Mali HistoryMCQ
Malta HistoryMCQ
Marshall Islands HistoryMCQ
Mauritania HistoryMCQ
Mauritius HistoryMCQ
Mexico HistoryMCQ
Micronesia HistoryMCQ
Moldova HistoryMCQ
Monaco HistoryMCQ
Mongolia HistoryMCQ
Montenegro HistoryMCQ
Morocco HistoryMCQ
Mozambique HistoryMCQ
Myanmar (formerly Burma) HistoryMCQ
Namibia HistoryMCQ
Nauru HistoryMCQ
Nepal HistoryMCQ
Netherlands HistoryMCQ
New Zealand HistoryMCQ
Nicaragua HistoryMCQ
Niger HistoryMCQ
Nigeria HistoryMCQ
North Korea HistoryMCQ
North Macedonia HistoryMCQ
Norway HistoryMCQ
Oman HistoryMCQ
Pakistan HistoryMCQ
Palau HistoryMCQ
Palestine State HistoryMCQ
Panama HistoryMCQ
Papua New Guinea HistoryMCQ
Paraguay HistoryMCQ
Peru HistoryMCQ
Philippines HistoryMCQ
Poland HistoryMCQ
Portugal HistoryMCQ
Qatar HistoryMCQ
Romania HistoryMCQ
Russia HistoryMCQ
Rwanda HistoryMCQ
Saint Kitts and Nevis HistoryMCQ
Saint Lucia HistoryMCQ
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines HistoryMCQ
Samoa HistoryMCQ
San Marino HistoryMCQ
Sao Tome and Principe HistoryMCQ
Saudi Arabia HistoryMCQ
Senegal HistoryMCQ
Serbia HistoryMCQ
Seychelles HistoryMCQ
Sierra Leone HistoryMCQ
Singapore HistoryMCQ
Slovakia HistoryMCQ
Slovenia HistoryMCQ
Solomon Islands HistoryMCQ
Somalia HistoryMCQ
South Africa HistoryMCQ
South Korea HistoryMCQ
South Sudan HistoryMCQ
Spain HistoryMCQ
Sri Lanka HistoryMCQ
Sudan HistoryMCQ
Suriname HistoryMCQ
Sweden HistoryMCQ
Switzerland HistoryMCQ
Syria HistoryMCQ
Tajikistan HistoryMCQ
Tanzania HistoryMCQ
Thailand HistoryMCQ
Timor-Leste HistoryMCQ
Togo HistoryMCQ
Tonga HistoryMCQ
Trinidad and Tobago HistoryMCQ
Tunisia HistoryMCQ
Turkey HistoryMCQ
Turkmenistan HistoryMCQ
Tuvalu HistoryMCQ
Uganda HistoryMCQ
Ukraine HistoryMCQ
United Arab Emirates HistoryMCQ
United Kingdom HistoryMCQ
United States of America HistoryMCQ
Uruguay HistoryMCQ
Uzbekistan HistoryMCQ
Vanuatu HistoryMCQ
Venezuela HistoryMCQ
Vietnam HistoryMCQ
Yemen HistoryMCQ
Zambia HistoryMCQ
Zimbabwe HistoryMCQ

What is History Mock Test 2025?

History Mock Tests are model tests for the online practice of the History exam. This help students create a better exam preparation strategy. If you treat History mock tests as actual tests, you will perform well in the online History exam as well. So instead of just rote learning concepts, practice History mock tests to measure your strengths and weakness. History mocks will help you in developing an effective study strategy.

As per the new exam pattern published by the exam conducting organizations, it is necessary to include History practice tests in your preparation strategy. We, at Testmocks, have designed the following History mock test series that will provide you with in-depth coverage of the latest syllabus.

Benefits/Advantages of Practicing Online History Mock Tests Series 2025

The practice of online mock tests is important for candidates appearing in the upcoming History exam. Our mock tests are prepared by experienced teachers. History mock test is similar to the real exam and helps student assess their preparation.

By practicing free online History mock tests, you get a fair idea about the real test pattern and reduce pre-exam anxiety. History mock tests are important because of the time-bound practice they provide. History Multiple attempts of the History mock test will help you revise the entire syllabus. History mock tests help you remember basic concepts and perform better in the actual exam. History Mock tests provide the scope of the question paper. History Mock tests improve your time management skill.

Attempting multiple mock tests helps students revise the entire History exam syllabus. This way they memorize concepts and perform well in the History exam. Mock tests make students familiar with the style and scope of the History question paper.

Benefits of Taking History Online Mock Tests 2025

  • Take new History tests: Online mock tests based on actual History exam paper.
  • Community-driven: Created by top-notch History faculties.
  • Comprehensive preparation tool: Our History mock test series allow you to analyse your progress.
  • View History score: After practicing our online History tests, you can check your score and view answer keys with explanations.
  • Free to use: We try to help candidates with our free History mock tests.

Unique Features of Online History Mock Test Series - 2025

  • Practice online tests including objective questions from old History papers.
  • Solve free online model exam papers based on the latest syllabus.
  • Take History mock tests based on the real exam pattern.

50+ Online Practice Test Papers for History Exam (2025)